Multiple subtasks can be added to an Action by the Employee currently assigned responsibility for the Action. Subtasks are listed with the Action record, in the Personal Tasks for an Employee, and on the Department Tasks page. Subtasks can be forwarded by E-mail, routed to affiliate users, and can have multiple File Attachments, Notes, Links, and Signatures associated with them.
Employees work on Subtasks by editing them and adding information to the record. When the Employee feels that the Subtask is finished, they can change the status to Completed. If the E-mail Notification option was purchased for your system, an automatic notification message is sent to the Employee responsible for the parent Action. This person can then review the Subtask action and choose to close it (the ability to close a Subtask is a permission assigned by your administrator). Subtasks may also be deleted by users who have been granted the permission to do so.
While viewing a subtask, you are presented with several buttons. The buttons available depend on these factors:
Status of Subtask
- Your Department membership.
Department Related Security Notes for details on
how the current department can affect workflow
related buttons and links.
- Your permissions.
- CATSWeb system options purchased by your company.
The actions available include:
- Add Note - Allows a new Note to be added to the Subtask.
- Add Link - Add a Link from the Subtask to any item on the Internet/intranet including web pages, documents, drawings, or other CATSWeb records.
- Add File Attachment - Add a File Attachment to the Subtask. File Attachments are uploaded and stored securely in the CATSWeb database.
- Sign - Presents a dialog which allows you to add your Signature to the Subtask. You may choose from a list of signature types that is controlled by your CATSWeb administrator. Signatures cannot be edited or deleted.
- Edit - Enables the Subtask to be edited or deleted.
- Reassign Subtask - Enables the Subtask to be reassigned to a different user.
- Forward Copy by E-mail - Allows a copy of the Subtask to be forwarded by E-mail.
- Route to Affiliate - Allows a copy of the Subtask to be forwarded by E-mail to the affiliate user, along with other information you provide. The affiliate user may then access this record live on the CATSWeb system.
- View Edit History - If your system has the optional Record Archiving feature installed, this button allows you to view past versions of the record, including past versions of associated Notes, File Attachments, Links, Signatures, and Affiliate Routings.
- Highlight Changes - If your system has the optional Record Archiving feature installed, this link allows you to view the record with prior field values present and highlighted.
- Tags - This link jumps down to near the bottom of the page where public or private tags may be viewed and added if you have sufficient permissions.
Links and buttons may be associated with child records (ex: file
attachments) as well. For example, the iconic "H" button or an equivalent View
As HTML link will be available for File Attachments if the system
includes the
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