The CATSWeb Forward by E-mail page allows a copy of the record to be sent via E-mail. Unlike routing to an affiliate, the recipients of the E-mail are not granted access to the record on the live CATSWeb system.
- To/Cc/Bcc - Enter or the E-mail address of the person(s) to forward the record to. Separate multiple addresses with commas, or with a different delimiter if so instructed by your CATSWeb Administrator.
If your system includes the Multi-select E-mail Form, you may also select one or more recipients from the lists. The message will be sent to the recipients from the lists and to any ad-hoc recipients you have entered.
- Subject - The subject of the message.
- From - Your E-mail address.
- Message - The body of the E-mail message.
- Include Attachments - If file attachments exist for the record being forwarded, this list will display the unique attachment filenames. Select the attachment filenames that you wish to include with the message. Note that:
- If multiple file attachments have the same filename, all of them will be sent if that filename is selected. The files will receive unique names when sent.
- If a filename contains commas, the comma will be replaced by "{Comma}", both in the list and in the actual file that is sent.
- ZIP Attachments - If file attachments were selected in Include Attachments, checking this box causes the attachments to be automatically ZIPped (PKZip compatible format) into a single compressed file. This guarantees the most efficient transmission through the E-mail system. Uncheck to box to cause the attachments to be sent separately and not zipped.
- Return Receipt - Check this box to request a return receipt from the recipient(s) when the message is read. Note that if the E-mail message travels across the Internet at any point, a return receipt is not guaranteed. This is due to a flaw in the SMTP protocol used for Internet mail. Most Internet mail clients, routers, and gateways recognize the request for a return receipt, but respecting and acknowledging the request is at the option of the person who receives the message
- Importance - Select an importance (urgency) for the message. Note that not all E-mail systems and mail clients recognize this setting.