Tags are keywords that you can add to records to make them easier to find. Tags can be private (visible only to you) or public (visible to everyone). Your administrator specifies whether you may add private or public tags, and may vary this capability based on the type of record.
Tags on a record are listed near the bottom of its page. If you have permission to add or view tags, the Tags link may be used to quickly jump down to that section of the page. The formatting of the tag indicates who entered it and who can see it:
- Bold - Tags shown in bold text were entered by you. Tags shown in non-bold text were entered by someone else.
- Italic - Tags shown in italic text are private and visible only to you. If not italic, it is a public tag, visible to everyone.
- Bold Italic - Tags shown in bold italic text were entered by you and are visible only to you.
If you have permission to add tags, a text box will be present just past the last existing tag. Enter your new tag and optionally check the Public box (if present) to make your new tag visible to everyone. Click the button to submit the tag.
The View Tagged Records page is a listing of records that have a particular tag. This page may be accessed in any of the following ways:
- By clicking on the tag when it appears on a record.
- By selecting the tag in one of the tag lists near the top of your My CATSWeb page.
- By selecting the tag in a tag list that your administrator has provided for you in a Dashboard.
- By entering "Tag:YourTag" into the simple search box in the page header. This box will only be available if your CATSWeb system includes the Full Text Search option).
The The View Tagged Records page includes links to all the records with the tag, and may include these additional options for each of the linked records:
- Delete My Tag - If you added the tag, this link will be present next to each of the listed records. Clicking it causes your tag to be removed from that record (not all records). Only your tag is deleted. For example, if you and your coworker each tagged the record "Important", only your "Important" tag will be removed.
- Delete Everyone's Tag - If you have been granted the Manage Tags permission, this link will be present next to each of the listed records. Clicking it causes the tag to be removed from that record (not all records) if you entered it or if it is public, no matter who entered it. However, you cannot remove someone else’s public tag until you have first duplicated the existing tag.
For example, if you privately tagged the record as "Important" and your co-worker publicly tagged the record as "Important", both of the "Important" tags will be removed. If your coworker tagged the record as “Important” and you have not tagged the record as “Important,” you will receive an error message when you click delete everyone’s tag.
If your CATSWeb system includes the Full Text Search option, you may use the Tags or Tags (Archived) indexes in your searches to include public tags. Private tags cannot be located with Full Text Search since they are not indexed. However, you can enter "Tag:YourPrivateTag" into the page header's simple search box to go directly to the View Tagged Records page.