This help page describes the
relationship between the current user department and the
effect on workflow buttons.
Issues, Actions and Subtasks have
standard workflow buttons (such as the Reassign button) that
are displayed while the record is in view mode. The
visibility of these buttons is dependent on a variety of
factors, such as employee or personality permissions,
functional restrictions, etc.
Another factor is the current department a user is
associated with (the one shown on
the CATSWeb Home Page).
records have two “Department” fields (e.g.
DispositionAssignmentDept or
CAAssignmentDept, depending on stage), and
capabilities are controlled by the user’s current
- If the user is currently
in that department:
- The Copy
link is goverened by the ‘Add Issues (Own Dept)’
- The
Edit link is available, unless it
has been revoked by the ‘Edit Issue Any Stage’
permission based on its workflow stage.
The user can perform other
workflow operations if any of these are true:
- They have the
Department Tasks permission.
Note that the Department Tasks
permission has no effect on the links available
on the record view page for any record type
other than Issues.
The record is assigned
to them personally.
The Unlock
link is displayed, if Signature Controls are in
place and the record is locked.
- If the user is not
currently in that department:
- The Copy
link is goverened by the ‘Add Issues (Other
Dept)’ permission.
The Edit
link is controlled by the ‘Edit Issue Any Dept’
permission, unless it has been revoked by the
‘Edit Issue Any Stage’ permission based on its
workflow stage.
The user can perform workflow operations if any of
these are true:
- The record is
assigned to them personally.
- The Unlock
link is not displayed, even if the
record is locked.
Action records only have one
“Department” field (Department), which is
the department of the user that the record is assigned to.
For Action records, we actually check to see if the user is
a member of that department, whether they are currently in
it or not (exception: Unlocking, see section below). This is
fundamentally different from how Issues work, which depend
on the current department.
‘Manage Actions’ permission must be granted to a user
or else they will not be able to edit, delete, add subtasks
or reassign Actions, regardless of department. The following
assumes that the ‘Manage Actions’ permission is
granted, and the record is not Comlpeted or Closed
(Status=Completed or Closed):
- If the user is currently
in that department:
- The Unlock
link is displayed, if Signature Controls are in
place and the record is locked.
- If the user is not
currently in that department
- The Unlock
link is not displayed, even if the
record is locked.
- If the user is a member of
the department the Action is assigned to:
- The Add
Subtasks button is displayed. The user can
Add Subtasks.
- The Edit link
is displayed. The user can Edit the Action.
- The Reassign
link is displayed. The user can Reassign Actions.
- The Delete
link is displayed, The user can Delete Actions.
- If the user is not a
member of the department the Action is assigned to:
- The Add
Subtasks button is displayed if the Action
is assigned to them personally.
- The Edit link
is displayed if they have the ‘Edit Action Any
Dept’ permission.
- The Reassign
link is not displayed. The user
cannot Reassign the Action.
- The Delete
link is not displayed, The user
cannot Delete the Action.
- When
Effectiveness has been configured on the
- The Enter
Effectiveness or Edit Effectiveness link is
displayed, regardless of any Department value,
if they have the ‘Action Effectiveness’
are similar to Actions in that:
- There is only one
“Department” field (AssignmentDept).
- Unlock works in the same way as
for Actions.
- Department-related
workflow security is based on department membership,
regardless of the user’s current department.
Subtasks are different from
Actions in that:
- The user that created the
Subtask can always edit it.
- The user that created the
Subtask can always delete it, if they have the
‘Delete Subtasks’ permission.
- The user that created the
Subtask can always Reassign it, unless it is Completed
or Closed.