The CATSWeb Route to Affiliate page allows a record to be routed to an affiliate user for viewing, commenting on, etc. A copy of the record is sent to the affiliate user via E-mail, along with your message and other information. The affiliate user may then click on a link in the E-mail to access the record live on the CATSWeb system. Affiliate users may add notes, file attachments, links, and signatures to the record. They can also directly edit the record if your CATSWeb administrator has granted them permission to do so. Affiliate users can only access the specific records that are routed to them, and have no ability to run queries, reports, or perform any other activity in the CATSWeb system.
- Affiliate - Select the affiliate user to route the record to.
- cc/bcc - Enter E-mail addresses for people that you wish to copy on the E-mail routing message. Separate multiple addresses with commas, or with a different delimiter if so instructed by your CATSWeb Administrator. People listed in the cc or bcc fields are not granted live access to the record in the CATSWeb system.
- Subject - The subject of the E-mail message.
- From - Your E-mail address.
- Message - A message that will be included in the E-mail to the affiliate, along with the copy of the record. This message will also be saved in the database with the routed record, and will be viewable anytime that record is accessed.
- Include Attachments - Check this box to include file attachments for the record in the forwarding E-mail. The attachments will automatically be ZIPped (PKZip compatible format) into a single compressed file which will be attached to the E-mail message. This guarantees the most efficient transmission through the E-mail system. If file attachments exist and this option is not checked, the recipient will see references to the attachments in the forwarded record, but will not receive the actual files.
- Return Receipt - Check this box to request a return receipt from the recipient(s) when the message is read. Note that if the E-mail message travels across the Internet at any point, a return receipt is not guaranteed. This is due to a flaw in the SMTP protocol used for Internet mail. Most Internet mail clients, routers, and gateways recognize the request for a return receipt, but respecting and acknowledging the request is at the option of the person who receives the message
- Importance - Select an importance (urgency) for the message. Note that not all E-mail systems and mail clients recognize this setting. This setting will be used in the E-mail message, and will be maintained in the CATSWeb database along with the routing.
- Due Date - Enter a date that you would like a response by. The date will be included in the E-mail message, and will be maintained in the CATSWeb database along with the routing.
- Response to Include - Select the specific areas that the response by the affiliate user should cover. The list of available choices is controlled by your CATSWeb administrator.