The page header is used consistently across all CATSWeb pages, but is described here for convenience.
The CATSWeb logo at the top left may be clicked to view the About CATSWeb page. The links along the top of the header provide direct access to the Home,
Manage and
My CATSWeb pages from any point in the application. The Logout link ends your CATSWeb session
ans returns you to the
Login page, and the Help link opens the context-sensitive help page that is relevant to the page you are currently viewing in CATSWeb. For convenience, these links are repeated along the bottom of each page. Note that you will not see a
Manage link if you do not have permission to administer the system.
Below your company name is a sentence that indicates whether or not you have open tasks in the system. Your current department is shown in parentheses, and clicking it will open the
Department Tasks page. If you do have open tasks, the "personal tasks" phrase will be a link. Clicking it opens the
Personal Tasks page.
The Go To section allows you to navigate directly to a specific record. Choose the type of record, enter the record number in the box, and click the arrow. If the
Full Text Search option is installed, a search box and link to the Advanced Search form may appear here as well.
On the Home page only, a Department selection list is provided immediately below the header. If you are a member of multiple departments, this provides an easy way for you to change your current department: select a different department and click the arrow.
If the optional
Multiple Employee Personalities feature is installed, you may also change your Personality in the same way.