View Tagged Records
Hot List Configuration
Task Lists via E-mail
Proxy Signature Permissions
The My CATSWeb page is used to view or set various personalized settings, navigate to records via tags, and provides buttons or links for changing your passwords.
If the Subscriptions feature is installed, links that enable you to view your subscriptions or to view items in your combined feed will be present just under the page title. The following settings will also be present in a Subscriptions section near the bottom of the form:
- Web Feed Format - Choose the format to be used for your subscription items when you retrieve them via a Web feed (Atom or RSS 2.0). Many feed readers support both formats. If you are unsure about which format to use, choose System Default and the default format specified by your system administrator will be used.
- Item Ordering - Choose how you would like your subscription items ordered when you view them in CATSWeb or receive them via E-mail. If retrieving them via a Web feed, your feed reader will likely apply its own ordering.
View Tagged Records
The View Tagged Records frame near the top of the page makes it easy to navigate to records via tags. The "My Tags" list contains a list of all tags that you have added. The "Everyone's Tags" list contains all the tags entered by you, plus all the public tags entered by others. You may choose one or more tags in either list. Click the button to view a listing of the records.
Hot List Configuration
The Hot List is the summary of tasks that appears in the top right area of the Main page. Note that your administrator may have renamed this section.
Links to view your Hot List in a full page (View) and to view all items, regardless of your Maximum Items in List setting (View All Items) are provided near the top of the section. An ICalendar Feed link will also be present if the Subscriptions feature is installed. This provides a feed of your Hot List in iCalendar format and allows calendaring and E-mail applications that support the iCalendar format (Google Calendar, MS Outlook 2007, etc.) to automatically add your Hot List items to their calendar as to-do items. Refer to the documentation for your calendaring or E-mail program for additional information on how to use this capability.
The settings in this section are:
- Enabled - Determines whether or not the Hot List is displayed on the Home page of CATSWeb.
- Show Legend - Determines whether or not the legend is displayed with the Hot List.
- Items to Include - Enables selection of the types of items (record types) to be included in the Hot List.
- Columns - Enables selection of the columns that will appear in the Hot List.
- Include Completed Tasks - Determines whether or not Actions and Subtasks with Status=Completed are included in the Hot List. This setting has no effect on the listing of signature requests related to completed Actions and Subtasks.
- Maximum Items in List - Maximum number of items that will appear in the Hot List.
- Date Format - The format used for dates in the Hot List. The System Default format is typically Short. Here are examples of the formats:
- Short: 1/1/2005
- Medium: 01-Jan-05
- Long: Saturday, January 01, 2005
- Home Page Type - This setting is only available if the Dashboards feature has been installed. It allows you to select the type of home page you prefer (Public Dashboard, Private Dashboard, Classic Home Page). CATSWeb will send you to this page immediately after logging in, and any time the Home link is clicked.
- Public Dashboard - This setting is only available if the Dashboards feature has been installed. It allows you to select the specific Public Dashboard if Home Page Type has been set to Public Dashboard.
- Private Dashboard - This setting is only available if the Dashboards feature has been installed. It allows you to select the specific Private Dashboard if Home Page Type has been set to Private Dashboard.
- Interface Preference - Select your preferred Interface Preference. If this is non-editable, your administrator has not granted you sufficient permissions to do this.
- Help in New Window - If checked, help files will open in a new window when the Help link is clicked.
- Bcc My E-mail to Me - If checked, your E-mail address will automatically appear in the Bcc line of the form when you click Forward Copy by E-mail.
- Page Header Go To - Specify how you prefer to choose the type of record when using the Go To capability in CATSWeb page headers. The Choose Record Type option means that you will choose between Issue, Action and Subtask. The Choose Form Name (Category) option means you will choose the category ("Form Name") from a list, such as "Manufacturing Nonconformance", "CAPA", "Internal Audit", etc. without needing to know if the record is actually an Issue, Action or Subtask.
- Proxy - If you have been granted permisson to manage your own Proxy Signature Permissions, you may designate another user to serve as your proxy. Designating a proxy causes the following to occur:
- If a new record is entered and assigned to you, CATSWeb immediately reassigs the record to your proxy.
- If an operation causes a signature to be requested from you, CATSWeb will instead request the signature from your proxy.
- If an existing record is reassigned to you, CATSWeb will instead reassign the record to your proxy.
Task Lists via E-mail
CATSWeb allows you to receive daily, configurable task summaries via E-mail in HTML format. The summaries are generated from your Hot List and filtered task lists from your Personal Tasks, Department Tasks and Status pages. Your current filter and interface preference selections are used to generate the lists.
- Request Task List E-mail Now - Click this link to request that a task list E-mail be sent to you immediately. If you have made changes to your My CATSWeb settings, be sure to submit them before clicking this link.
- Enabled - Check the box to enable E-mailed task lists. When enabled, the selected task lists are E-mailed to you once a day in HTML format, typically during the overnight period when system utilization is lower.
- Include Hot List - Check this box to include your Hot List in the task list E-mail.
- Personal Task Lists - Select the filtered task lists from the Personal Tasks page that will be included in the task list E-mail. Your current filters (public or private) will be used to generate the task lists.
- Department Task Lists - Select the filtered task lists from the Department Tasks page that will be included in the task list E-mail. Your current filters (public or private) will be used to generate the task lists.
- Status Lists - Select the filtered task lists from the Status page that will be included in the task list E-mail. Your current filters (public or private) will be used to generate the task lists.
- E-mail Format - Specify the preferred format of the task list E-mail. Most modern E-mail clients can accept HTML message bodies. If using an older E-mail client, choose the File Attachment option instead. The task list will be sent in a file attachment instead (still in HTML format) and may be viewed via any web browser.
- E-mail Addressing - Specify the preferred address that the task list E-mail message should be sent to. "Your Address" means the E-mail address specified in the E-mail Address field in your Employee record.
- Alternate Addresses - Specify alternate E-mail addresses to be used for task list E-mails. Multiple addresses must be separated by a comma.
Searches - This section is available only if the optional Full Text Search feature is installed.
- Private Search Template - Select a privately saved Advanced Search to serve as a template for simple searches that you perform from CATSWeb page headers. When you perform a simple search, your search terms will replace the Search Request information in the saved search template. All other settings from the search template will be utilized.
Proxy Signature Permissions - This page section is only available if you have been granted permisson to manage your own Proxy Signature Permissions, and provides the same functionality that administrators have when managing your proxy signature permissions from your Employee record.
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