File Server Operations
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FileDump: The FileDump function is a File Server Operation that is defined by an ActiveX DLL with Parameters Data Link. FileDump operates on Issues, Actions, and Subtasks and allows you to export a set of records with a single click.
  • Overview: Below is an overview of the FileDump process.

    • A user clicks on a link that calls the FileDump function.

    • The FileDump function adds a FileDump request message to a queue that is monitored by the AssurX .NET Service.

    • The AssurX .NET Service receives the FileDump request and retrieves and processes selected CATSWeb records. The selected records are exported.

    • The user that requested the FileDump is notified when the process is complete.

    • The user can access the exported records in a variety of ways.

  • Requirements: The FileDump function relies upon the following.

    1. Message Queuing and the CATSWebFileServer queue.
    2. The AssurX .NET Service v8.0.0 (or higher), which must be running.
    3. The APSO Utility (APSOUtilityNET.dll).

  • Configuraton: The following steps should be used to configure the FileDump function.

    1. Install the APSOUtilityNET.dll.
      • Follow the instructions in the APSO Utility Setup Guide for details.
    2. Configure the CATSWebFileServer queue.
      • Follow the instructions in the Configuration Guide for AssurX File Server for details.
    3. The FileDump function requires SQL to select the desired records.
      • Test the SQL prior to use.
    4. Add a Credential for the FileDump function. An example is displayed below.


    5. Add an ActiveX DLL with Parameters Data Link.
      • Programmatic ID: apsoUtilityNET.APSOInterface

      • Property Name: FileDump

      • Provide the appropriate Parameters for the ActiveX DLL with Parameters Data Link. See Parameters section for details.
        1. A Customer defined SQL (Parameter1) is used to retrieve the records.
        2. The selected records are exported to a specific Base File Path (Parameter2) and optional Subdirectory (Parameter1) on the web server.
        3. The Records setting (Parameter3) determines if File Attachments, the HTML of selected records, or both are exported and saved. When HTML is selected, the HTML of any child records (such as Subforms, Notes, or Links) are also saved.
        4. The Operation setting (Parameter4) determines if a export is going to occur.
        5. The Behavior setting (Parameter5) determines if exported files will overwrite any existing files that have the same name or add new copies of the files.
        6. An optional Table of Contents (Parameter6) can be created. This simplifies the process of finding specific records.
        7. An optional Error Threshold (Parameter7) can be set to identify SQL Errors.
        8. An optional Record Threshold (Parameter8) can be set to prevent runaway exports due to bad SQL.
        9. FileDump Credentials (Parameter9) contain login information


      • An example is displayed below.


    6. The ActiveX DLL with Parameters Data Link should be called from a Drill Down Link which has been associated with a field caption or button on an Issue, Action, or Subtask CATSWeb record.

  • Usage: The following steps should be followed to use the FileDump function.

    1. When a user clicks on a File Dump Drill Down Link, the FileDump function is run. A message is sent to the AssurX Service, which requests a file service operation.

    2. A message is displayed to indicate that the File Server request has been sent. An example of this message is displayed below.

      File Server Request Message

    3. If the AssurX Service is running, it receives the request, and selected records are exported.
      • The exported files will be placed in the Base File Path and optional Subdirectory as configured.
      • If a Table of Contents has been requested, it is placed in the same locations as the files above. An example of the Table of Contents is displayed below.

        Table of Contents

      • The amount of time it takes to perform the export is based upon a variety of factors:
        • The number of records that are selected and returned (including child records).
        • The number and size of file attachments.
        • The number of other concurrent processes that are running on the server.

      • When the export is complete, a notification message will be displayed within the CATSWeb browser of the user that requested the FileDump. This notification is similar to a broadcast message and follows similar rules. If the user is not currently logged on, the message is saved until next logon. It will be displayed once, until they logoff. An example of the notification is displayed below.

        File Server Export

    4. Access to the exported files are based upon a variety of factors, such as folder permisions and the Base File Path.

      • If the exported files are not accesible from the web server, the files must be accessed directly on the web server via RDP, drive mapping, or other server access.

      • To access the files from a web browser, the Base File Path must be located in a folder that is accessible from the web server (such as the CATSWeb installation folder).

  • Parameters: The FileDump function is defined as an ActiveX DLL with Parameters data link. The following parameters are used to configure the function.

    Parameter1: (SQL)
    Parameter2 (Base File Path)
    Parameter3: (Records)
    Parameter4: (Operation)
    Parameter5: (Behavior)
    Parameter6: (Table of Contents)
    Parameter7: Error Threshold
    Parameter8: Record Threshold
    Parameter9: Credential

    • Parameter1: (SQL) - An SQL Statement that returns the desired records to export.

      • The SQL Statement must include the following aliased column names:
        • RecordID - Describes the Record ID
        • RecordType - Describes the Type of record.
          Valid Record Types are:
          • 1=Issue
          • 2=Action
          • 5=Subtask
        • Category - Describes the Form Category.

      • The SQL Statement may include these optional aliased column names:
        • Subdirectory - Used to indicate subdirectories of the Base File Path (Parameter 2).

      • The SQL can contain tilde delimited field name tokens similar to a SQL Data Link, but does not require you to specify Replacement Fields.

      • Examples:
        1. Using tilde delimited field names in the Where clause.

          Select ActionID “RecordID”, ‘2’ “RecordType”, Category From CorrectiveAction Where Category=N'Basic Action Form’ And Title=N'~Title~’ and StandardText010=N'~StandardText005~’;

        2. Using a Subdirectory as defined in the StandardText002 field.

          Select ActionID “RecordID”, ‘2’ “RecordType”, Category, StandardText002 “SubDirectory” From CorrectiveAction Where Category=N'Basic Action Form’;

        3. Using a Subdirectory as defined in the Title field and the StandardText001 field.

          Select ActionID “RecordID”, ‘2’ “RecordType”, Category, Title + ‘\ ‘ + StandardText001 “Subdirectory” From CorrectiveAction Where Category=N'Basic Action Form’

    • Parameter2: (Base File Path) - The Base File Path is the root path where the files should be stored. A variety of Base File Paths may be used, but they all require folder permissions to be set appropriately.

      • May be a locaton on the CATSWeb Web Server.
        • c:\temp
        • c:\Program Files (x86)\AssurX\dump

      • May be a mapped network share.
        • y:\FileDump
        • \\ServerName\FileDump

      • If the exported files need to be accessible from a web browser, then the Base File Path should be accessible from the web server (such as the CATSWeb Installation folder).
        • c:\Program Files (x86)\AssurX\CATSWeb QMS Software\Reports\dump

      • If the SQL statement (Parameter1) returns a column named "Subdirectory" it will be appended to the Base File Path.

    • Parameter3: (Records) - The types of records to be exported as a pipe (|) delimited list.

      Values Description
      Files Exports only files that are attached to the records that are returned by the SQL statement (Parameter1).
      HTML Exports only the HTML of the records that are returned by the SQL statement (Parameter1).
      If both File Attachments and HTML of the records are desired, enter both parameters, separated by a pipe symbol.

    • Parameter4: (Operation) - Export data from CATSWeb.

      Values Description
      download Download (export) File Attachments, HTML, or both (based upon the Records parameter).

    • Parameter5: (Behavior) - Allows you to specify whether exported files should replace ones previously exported.

      Values Description
      new If the file already exists in the in the Base File Path and optional subdirectory, then the file name will include a counter to indicate that it is a duplicate.
      Example: File Name(1).htm
      overwrite Will overwrite any similarly named file in the Base File Path and optional subdirectory.

    • Parameter6: (Table of Contents) - Describes if an HTML Table of Contents file will be created as the export occurs.

      • The following naming conventions are used for the Table of Contents.

      Values Description
      yes (or true) The Table of Contents is created, and will contain:
      • A Category listing of each selected record and category.

      • Child records are included in the Category listing.

      • When Records =  HTML, a link will be included for each selected record to each related HTML file.

      • When Records = Files, the Category listing will include each exported File Attachment and a link to each one.
      no (or blank) No Table of Contents file will be generated.

    • Parameter7: (Error Threshold) - Allows you to specify the number of errors allowed before the process aborts. The default threshold (if left blank) is 10.

      • If errors do occur, then the first 10 will be displayed on the CATSWeb page.

      • In addition, an email will be sent to the user that initiated the process. All of the errors that were encountered will be included in the email.

    • Parameter8: (Record Threshold) - Allows you to specify the number of records to export before the process aborts. The default (if left blank) is 1000

      • This is to prevent a huge export which could potentially lock up the server.

      • There is no limit to the number entered.

    • Parameter9: (Credential) - A CATSWeb Credential name which provides login information for the FileDump function and the AssurX Service
      Example: CR|Credential Type|Credential Key

      • Credential Type: Any desired Credential Type, such as FileSystem.

      • Credential Key: Any desired Credential Key. It would be common to use the Employee ID of the FileDump function user, but any value could be used.

      Credential Requirements: The Credential Type and Credential Key must match an actual Credential that has been set up for the FileDump function

      • Credential 1: is the mult-database company name. It should be blank for single database instances.

      • Credential 2: is the CATSWeb Employee ID. This account should have any permissions that are required by the FileDump function.

      • Credential 3: is the password. This is the password of the FileDump Employee ID.

      Employee Permissions: The Employee account used (within the Credential) must have the necessary permissions to view the selected records.
      • User Type: Full
      • Personality: When first created, use an Administrator personality to grant all permissions. Remove the personality prior to adding the Employee. This creates a one-off employee that will not be affected by future Personality submissions.
      • E-mail Address: Leave blank, unless someone is monitoring the E-mail account.
      • Proxy: Do not designate a proxy.
      • Web Access: Enabled.
      • Password Never Expires: Enabled.
      • There should be no Employee Record Access Restrictions that prevent access to the desired records.
      • There should be no Functional Restrictions (at the Form Category level) that prevent this Employee from accessing the desired records.
      • There should be no Field Access Restrictions (at the Form Category level) that prevent this Employee from accessing the desired fields on the selected records.

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