Managing Field Access Restrictions
Manager Contents
User Contents

CATSWeb Field Access Restrictions control the behavior of a field for particular CATSWeb users. When in place, they override the default behavior of the field as defined on the Field Definition page (Editable on Add, Editable On Edit, etc.). Field Access Restrictions
may be configured to operate in either of the following modes:
  • Allow then Deny - All users are allowed full access to all fields unless a Field Access Restriction is put in place that denies them some or all capabilities.

  • Deny then Allow - No users are given any access to any fields unless a Field Access Restriction is put in place that allows them some or all capabilities.
Quick Tip - Terminology

If you prefer Deny then Allow mode, you can think of Field Access Restrictions as being "Field Access Permissions". For consistency, AssurX uses the term Field Access Restriction throughout CATSWeb and its documentation, regardless of the mode in use.

If you choose to set the Field Restriction Mode to Deny then Allow, you must add Field Access Restrictions that grant everyone access to a variety of System Fields on the form. If you do not do this, users will experience errors when the form loads or when it is submitted. AssurX recommends that you set the Field Restriction Mode to Allow then Deny to ease administration.

Multiple restrictions can be set based on Group, Department, Personality, or Employee Name. If the current user meets any of the Field Access Restrictions defined, their access to the field is gated by the matching Field Access Restrictions.

A field may be restricted in the following ways:

  • Add Restricted - The field is made non-editable when a new record is being added.
  • Edit Restricted - The field is made non-editable when an existing record is being edited.
  • View Restricted - The field is made invisible to the user at all times.
  • Drill Down Restricted - Drill down links bound to the field are inactive.

An existing field restriction cannot be edited, only deleted. To change the characteristics of an existing field restriction, delete it then add a new one with the desired characteristics.

Quick Tip - Leveraging your Knowledge
  • Learning and experimenting with Field Access Restrictions is a great way to prepare for using Functional Restrictions, which are restrictions on forms and data entities instead of fields.