The Manage page is the main page for CATSWeb Manager. It is used to manage and configure the following entities:
- User Management Section
- Groups - Groups are the highest level entity in the CATSWeb Company Data Model. Groups contain zero or more Departments. Most companies have only a single Group.
- Departments - Departments contain zero or more Employees. Employees who are members of the same Department can share task assignments via the Department Tasks function in CATSWeb.
- Employees - Employees are the users in CATSWeb, and each one has a set of permissions which control their access to CATSWeb features.
- Personalities - Personalities serve as templates for CATSWeb Employees.
- Form and Workflow Design Section
- Action Forms - The list of Action Categories (forms) and their corresponding Field Definitions are managed here.
- Issue Forms - The list of Issue Categories (forms) and their corresponding Field Definitions are managed here.
- Subtask Forms - The list of Subtask Categories (forms) and their corresponding Field Definitions are managed here.
- Subforms - The list of Subforms and their corresponding Field Definitions are managed here.
- Display Parts - Display Parts provide configurable content for Dashboards and other pages.
- Dashboard Templates - Dashboard Templates provide the structure for Dashboards and are managed like forms.
- Connectivity and Escalation Section
- Data Links - Data Links are powerful tools which enable you to link CATSWeb to other data sources via stored procedures or ActiveX DLLs.
- Rules - Rules allow tasks to be automatically reassigned or escalated, or to have reminder E-mail messages sent, when certain conditions apply.
- Link Graphics - Links to other URLs on the Internet/intranet may be assigned to Issues, Actions and Subtasks. Each link can contain a graphic. The graphics available are managed here.
- E-mail Configuration - If your CATSWeb system includes the E-mail Notification option, the configuration is managed here.
- Administration Section
- Database Properties - Global system configuration settings are managed here, such as the management password, minimum password lengths, company name, etc.
- Interface Preferences - Interface preferences allow customization of the CATSWeb user interface.
- Managerial Restrictions - Functional Restrictions and Event Hooks related to managerial data entities (e.g. Employees, Groups, etc.) and miscellaneous other entities are managed here.
- Lists - System lists, including user-defined lists, are managed here.
- Special Functions - Add customized, special function links to the CATSWeb Main Page, Query Menu Page, etc.
- Sessions - View a list of open CATSWeb sessions (logins) and forcibly log users out if desired.
- CATS Legacy System Compatibility Section (typically disabled, this section enables management of features primarily used in conjunction with legacy CATS client/server systems)
- Disposition Choices - The Disposition pull-down list in the disposition form is managed here.
- First, Second, and Third Pull Downs - The first, second, and third pull-down lists from legacy CATS systems are managed here. In a new CATSWeb system, these are called Process, Failure Stage, and Failure Type. The selections presented to the user as they enter an issue will be based on the Group that they are a member of, and the Category of the issue being logged. The first and third pull-down lists present the selections in alphabetical order. The second pull-down list has an additional parameter that determines the list order.
- Special Functions Section - If you have defined any special functions for the Manage page (CATSWeb Manager Main Page Special Functions), they will appear here. The optional Component Management and Web Services Management features are also accessed from this location.