Managing E-mail Configuration
Manager Contents
User Contents

The E-mail Configuration page, accessed from the Connectivity and Escalation section of the Manage page, is used to configure when CATSWeb will send automatic E-mail notifications. The configuration parameters are:
  • Messages Enabled - Uncheck this box to disable all automatic notification messages. The settings of other parameters will be ignored. Check the box to enable notification messages, and the parameters below will determine which specific messages are enabled. This setting has no effect on E-mail Forwarding or Route to Affiliate functions. These functions are always enabled if your system has the CATSWeb E-mail Integration option.

  • Disposition Assignment - This notification message is sent to the user who was assigned the disposition of an Issue. A message will be sent each time a new Issue is logged, since an Issue cannot be logged without assigning a user to be responsible for the Disposition. Check the box to enable this message.

  • Disposition Reassignment - This notification message is sent whenever a Disposition is reassigned. It is sent to the user that is newly assigned the Disposition. Check the box to enable this message. To also notify the user that was previously assigned the Disposition, select the "Cc To Previous Assignee" setting.

  • Action Request Assignment - This notification message is sent to the user who was assigned to determine the Action for an Issue. This message is sent when the Disposition for the Issue is entered, since that is the time the Action assignment is made. Check the box to enable this message.

  • Action Request Reassignment - This notification message is sent whenever an Action request (Issue in that stage) is reassigned. It is sent to the user that is newly assigned the Action request. Check the box to enable this message. To also notify the user that was previously assigned the Action request, select the "Cc To Previous Assignee" setting.

  • Action Assignment - This notification message is sent to the user who was assigned responsibility for a new Action record. Check the box to enable this message.

  • Action Reassignment - This notification message is sent whenever an Action record is reassigned. It is sent to the user that is newly assigned the Action record. Check the box to enable this message. To also notify the user that was previously assigned the Action record, select the "Cc To Previous Assignee" setting.

  • Subtask Assignment - This notification message is sent to the user who was assigned a new subtask. Check the box to enable this message.

  • Subtask Reassignment - This notification message is sent whenever a subtask is reassigned. It is sent to the user that is newly assigned the subtask. Check the box to enable this message. To also notify the user that was previously assigned the subtask, select the "Cc To Previous Assignee" setting.

  • Redisposition - This notification message is sent whenever an issue is redispositioned. During this operation, it is basically moved back to the beginning of the workflow process and assigned to a user for Disposition (just as if it were a newly added Issue). A notification message is sent to the newly assigned dispositioner. Check the box to enable this message. To notify the user who had the previous action assignment, select the "Cc To Previous Assignee" setting.

  • Affiliate Responses - This notification message is sent whenever an affiliate user responds to an affiliate routing by editing the record or by adding a note, file attachment, link, or signature. The message is sent to the full user who initiated the routing of the record to the affiliate user. Check the box to enable this message.

  • Cc To Initiator - Enables the initiator of the record to be included in the cc field of any workflow notification messages regarding the record.

  • Cc To Previous Assignee - Enables the previous assignee of the record to be included in the cc field of any reassignment workflow notification messages regarding the record.

Notification messages can be extended so that additional recipients are automatically included in each message. See this application note for a detailed example of implementing this.