Major new features in the CATSWeb Version 6 release include:
- Interface Preferences - The CATSWeb user interface may now be configured and customized in ways that were previously not possible. Administrators may create a variety of Interface Preferences, each with their own settings for colors, fonts, graphical content, page layout, etc.
- Subforms - Subforms are a new, configurable form type designed to allow line item tracking for Issue, Action and Subtask forms. A particular Subform design may be utilized on any number of parent (Issue/Action/Subtask) forms, and each parent form may have many subforms associated with it.
- Functional Restrictions - Functional Restrictions are similar to Permissions, but more powerful. Unlike permissions which control user capabilities globally within the system, Functional Restrictions are defined individually for each form, and may be specified individually for different Employees, Personalities, Departments or Groups. Functional restrictions may be used to control a wider variety of operations than permissions, such as controlling whether or not a particular user (or collection of users) may add notes or download file attachments.
- Intelligent Lists - Intelligent Lists allow selection lists to filter themselves based on other data entered by the user, or any other criteria that administrators may choose to define. For example, in previous versions of CATSWeb the assignment employee lists on CATSWeb forms were typically fixed to a particular set of users. Now, the list can be configured to react and change its contents based on the assignment department selected. Intelligent Lists can receive their contents from standard Lists or Data Links for maximum flexibility.
- Reload Button - Most CATSWeb forms now include a Reload button in addition to the standard Submit button. This allows CATSWeb to perform customer-defined processing on data entered by the user before the record is actually saved to the database. Intelligent Lists are processed at this time, and Event Hooks with the On Reload box checked (new Event Hook setting) also execute. This allows the results of calculations, lookups and other operations to be previewed by the user prior to submitting the record. Small iconic reload buttons may also be placed next to any fields on a form via a field definition setting, to ease data entry.
- Hot List - A new configurable Hot List has been added to the CATSWeb Home page. The hot list shows a summary of a user's pending tasks, sorted by due date. The Hot List may be personalized by each user via the new My CATSWeb page.
- Task List E-mails - Task list E-mails enable users to receive a daily E-mail message in HTML format containing the task lists that they choose (e.g. the Issues listing from their Personal Tasks page). Task List E-mails make use of the user's current filters and Interface Preference, enabling user-specific, customized content to be included in each message. Task List E-mails may be enabled and personalized via the new My CATSWeb page. Administrators may gate access to this feature via new permissions in Employee and Personality records.
Archive (Audit Trail) Querying - This new aspect of the CATSWeb FDA Option package allows audit trail records to be queried using all the features and capabilities of the existing ad-hoc query forms. Queries can also span across both live and archived records. For more information, refer to the documentation in the CATSWeb\Scripts\FDAOption\ArchiveQuerying folder on the CATSWeb CD-ROM.
- Managerial Restrictions - Managerial restrictions extend the power of Event Hooks to a variety of administrative and system actions, such as managing Employees, Forms, etc. Functional Restrictions for these entities may also be defined. This allows administrators to implement fine-grained, customized security controls for managerial actions.
- Completed Status for Actions - Action records now have a Completed status in addition to the traditional Open, Ongoing and Closed values. This expands the number of workflow scenarios for Action records.
- New Field/Control Types for Forms - The following new field/control types are available for forms:
- Fixed Text Areas - Fixed Text Area controls allow arbitrary text up to 4k long to be placed on CATSWeb forms. The text is stored with the form design rather than in the underlying data records, and can include embedded HTML. This allows instructions, links to other documents, etc. to be included in forms and available during Add, Edit or View mode (configurable).
- Submit Buttons - Multiple submit buttons may now be included in forms to minimize the amount of scrolling necessary to submit a record. These submit buttons perform the same functionality as the standard submit button (submit the record). The submit buttons may also be accompanied by a Reload button (described above).
- Edit and Delete Buttons - These buttons are available for Subforms, and provide the means for users to edit and delete subform records. Field Access Restrictions apply to the buttons, enabling fine-grained access control.
- Line Numbers - Line Number Controls enable query and filter outputs to include a sequential line number column, for easy reference to a particular row in the output. Line number data is not stored with the underlying records. Subform record listings may also utilize this capability.
- Expanded Settings for Fields - A variety of new field definition settings have been added, and many have been expanded in scope to improve usability. These include:
- Mandatory on Completion/Mandatory on Closure - Action and Subtask form fields may be designated as being mandatory at the time a record is closed or completed.
- Use Full Row - The Use Full Row setting has been extended to all field and control types, increasing the flexibility of the form design process.
- Extended Default - This new setting is available for Memo fields, and allows default values up to 4k in length to be specified.
- Reload Button - Described above.
- List Value Validation - Used with the new Intelligent Lists feature described above.
- Expanded Rules Functionality - Rules may now be configured to send messages to department supervisors, or to reassign (escalate) tasks to department supervisors.
- Expanded Permissions - Several new permissions for Employees and Personalities have been added:
Alternate Addressing |
Choose Interface Preference |
Create Subform Query |
Password Never Expires |
Read-only View |
Run Subform Query |
Session Never Expires |
Task List E-mails |
- Dual Authentication for Password Resets - When this new Database Properties option is enabled, two different administrators must collaborate to reset an Employee password.
- NT Authentication Easier to Implement in Multiple Database Installations - In prior versions of CATSWeb, using NT Authentication in a system with multiple database option installed required that a separate web server be dedicated for each database. CATSWeb V6 eliminates this requirement by allowing the Virtual Directory to map to the Database Name. See Installation Guide for CATSWeb Multiple Database Option for more information.
- Signature Password Configuration Option - A new configuration option is available that allows the user's login password to serve as their signature password, instead of the traditional independent signature password implementation (which is still the default configuration). Although both methodologies are compliant with 21 CFR Part 11, AssurX recommends that its FDA regulated customers not implement this option: the traditional independent signature password methodology provides better security for electronic signatures. See CATSWeb Installation Guide for more information.