Quick Tip - Web Safe Colors
When specifying colors for your Interface Preference, try to use only
Web Safe Colors.
CATSWeb Interface Elements allow extension of
Interface Preferences through the use of CSS styles.
Interface Elements can be used to customize colors, fonts, text fonts and sizes
as well as advanced layout control such as positioning,
hiding, and hover effects. CSS markup may be added in
the Element Content field or via external .css files.
Interface Elements are available at the bottom of
Interface Preferences that have "CSS" selected in the
Layout/Style Type field.
Quick Tip - Designing Interface Preferences
- Create your Interface Preference by copying it from a pre-existing one (select a template Interface Preference prior to clicking Add).
- Select your new Interface Preference on the
My CATSWeb page. Your Administrator may need to grant you permission to do this.
- Edit your Interface Preference, modify settings and submit. You will immediately see the effects of your changes, but other users will not see the effects until their next login.
- For most efficient editing, use two browser windows. To open a second browser window, point at any link in CATSWeb, right-click, and choose the option to Open in New Window. Submit your changes in the first browser, then reload the page in the second browser to see the results.
- When using
a CSS Layout use the
Preview Interface CSS Classes link to
show a preview of the styles within the
Interface Preference.
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Interface Element Descriptive Name
The Interface Element Descriptive Name is the name
for the Interface Element that will appear in the list
on the Interface Preference form as well as in the style
override fields in field definitions. This name
should describe what effect the Interface Element will
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Element Mode
The Element Mode field determines when an
Interface Element will be applied.
- All - The Interface Element will be
applied in Add, Edit and View modes.
- Add/Edit - The Interface Element will be applied in Add and Edit Mode only.
- View - The Interface Element will be applied in View Mode only.
- None - The Interface Element is disabled and will not be applied.
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Description field allows for an extended description of
the Interface Element.Back to Top
Element Type
The Element Type field specifies
the type of Interface Element:
CSS Selector - This option is used for CSS markup entered directly
into the Interface Element form, for example the
markup below would expand the Title field on a form:
width:500px; }
External CSS File - This option allows a reference
to an external CSS file. Use a relative path to
specify the file location. Entering "css/tabs.css"
(without quotes) would load the tabs.css file in the
css folder.
External JavaScript file - This selection allows
inclusion of external JavaScript files for
manipulation of CATSWeb forms. Use a relative path to
specify the file location. Entering "jsCore/tabs.js"
(without quotes) would load the tabs.js JavaScript
file in the jsCore folder
CSS Selector
The CSS Selector field allows entry
of the CSS class name. Adding the class name here adds
the class to the style override lists in field
definitions. Adding the CSS selector name is valid only
for CSS classes (not id or element based selectors). The
CSS Selector field should be filled with the CSS class
name (without the dot). The CSS class blueandwhite
below should have "blueandwhite" entered in the CSS
Selector field to make it available for field level
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Element Content
field holds the content of the Interface Element. When
entering CSS the mark up must be valid with proper
beginning and ending braces. External file references
should be entered with a relative path.Back to Top