Datasheet Display Part Settings Troubleshooting
See also: Managing Display Parts and Dashboards
The Datasheet display part
is available for special applications that require the ability to select
and edit many data records (rows) from a
data source during a
single submission. The display part creates a user interface for selecting
the data records and data entry fields for changing record values. When
the user submits the display part, the changes made to the selected
records are submitted to CATSWeb.
Quick Tip
The Datasheet Display
Part includes an addtional
data source: Calendar Data. The Calendar Data data source can
be used to edit holiday information when the
Calendar Display Parts
feature is installed.
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Datasheet Display Part Settings
General display
part settings are described
The following settings apply specifically to Datasheet display parts:
Data Source
Fields to Hide
- You may enter
a comma-delimited
list of field names
to hide in the data
table associated
with the display
part. Columns will
not be present for
the fields that
you specify, even
if they are designated
as visible in the
form design or data
source query.
Fields to Lock
- You may enter
a comma-delimited
list of field names
to presented as
non-editable the
data table associated
with the display
part. Columns will
not be editable
for the fields that
you specify, even
if they are designated
as editable in the
form design.
Row Selection
Section - This section is used to define how rows
are selected:
Control Default
- Specify a default
value to be used
for all of the controls.
For checkboxes and
option groups, 0
designates No (unchecked)
and -1 designates
Yes (checked).
Control Caption
- Specify an optional
caption for the
column of row selection
Control Background
Color - Specify
an optional
HTML color code
to use as the background
color for the column
of row selection
controls. Leave
this setting blank
to use the data
row background color.
Allow Deletions
Checking this box
adds Delete checkbox
to each row. Does
not apply to Calendar
Section - This section is used to define how the
display part submits its data:
Submit Button Position -
Choose a position for the submit
Submit Button File - Specify
the name of a graphics file to use
as the submit button (ex: "submit.gif)".
CATSWeb looks for the file in its
graphics subdirectory, or in an
alternate graphics subdirectory
specified in the user's current
Interface Preference.
Help Text - Specify optional
help (Alt) text to display when
the user floats their mouse over
the submit button
Disable Event Hooks - Select
this option to disable event hook
processing on submitted records.
Reason For
Edit Section - This section is used to define how
the Reason For Edit field will be used:
Hide Reason For Edit - Hides
the Reason For Edit field and uses
a default value.
Reason For Edit List - Binds
the Reason For Edit field to a CATSWeb
Drop Down List.
Height (rows) - Specifies
the number of rows used for the
Reason For Edit field
Width (columns) - Specifies
the width of the Reason For Edit
field in columns.
Default - Specifies the default
value of the Reason For Edit field.
Memo Fields
Section - This section is used to define how memo
fields will be used. These settings provide control
over memo field size to allow conservation of space
when using large memo fields within Datasheets. Setting
small Default Hieght/Width settings along with larger
Active Height/Width settings allows editable memo fields
to expand when in focus, and then return to their smaller
size when not in focus.
Default Height (rows) - Specifies
the default number of rows used
for memo fields.
Default Width (columns) -
Specifies the default width of memo
fields in columns.
Active Height (rows) - Specifies
the number of rows used for memo
fields that are active (have cursor
Active Width (columns) -
Specifies the width of memo fields
that are active (have cursor focus)
in columns.
Use Hover Window For Read Only -
Check this box to shorten read
only memo fields
to conserve space in the Datasheet.
Hovering the mouse over the image
(or ... if no image is provided)
will display the entire field contents.
This feature requires use of a CSS
based Interface
Additional HTML Section - This
section may be used to add additional
HTML to the display part is various
locations. See
this topic for more information
on loading HTML from files and performing
replacements on the HTML.
- Before Body - This HTML is placed below the title and subtitle, and above the data table. It is also outside (above) the form tag, so submittable fields cannot be included.
- Top of Form - This HTML is placed below the title and subtitle, and above the data table. It is inside the form tag, so submittable fields can be included. The field values will appear in the rsRecords record submitted to the data link.
- Bottom of Form - This HTML is placed below the below the data table. It is inside the form tag, so submittable fields can be included. The field values will appear in the rsRecords record submitted to the data link.
- After Body - This HTML is placed below the data table, and below the closing form tag. Submittable fields cannot be included.
- Replacements - See this topic.
- Convert Line Breaks - See this topic.
- Display as Text - See this topic.
Troubleshooting -
The Datasheet
display part submits records directly
to the AddEditDelete functions in
the CATSWeb API. This allows changes
to records that have been locked
by signature
controls. If restriction of locked records from
being operated on by the display
part is desired, locked records should be excluded from
the query selection used by the
data source of the display
Some fields within a Datasheet column
do not match or have different list
values -
The Datasheet display part generates
entry fields based on the category
of the individual record. If multiple
form categories are selected in
the Datasheet query, differing field
settings from form to form can cause
changes in the field display. Use
care when selecting multiple form
categories in a query used for a
Datasheet display part. List fields
dependand on reloading or dynamic
field values are not available within
the Datasheet Display Part.
Submission Failures and errors -
The Datasheet display part processes
updates according to CATSWeb system
rules. Mandatory fields, validation
and event hooks are processed by
default, just as they would be when
editing records in other ways. Records
that cannot be processed will be
listed after submission for informational
purposes. Event hook processing
may be turned off using the Disable
Event Hooks setting.
...field is required in the datasheet
query. - The Datasheet display part
requires unique indentifying information
in order to update records.
That information includes:
For Action Queries and Filters
For Subtask Queries and Filters
For Subform Queries
- Subform Id
- Category
- Parent Id
If the fields above are not
needed to the user display,
they can be hidden using the
Fields to Hide setting.
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