Managing Calendar Display Parts
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Settings for Calendar Display Parts
Calendar Types
See also: Managing Display Parts and Dashboards


Calendar display parts can produce calendars from virtually any data source, including data that resides outside the CATSWeb system. Users can view the underlying data along with the calendar by clicking on dates or records displayed on the calendar..

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Calendar Types

The available calendar types are:

  • Small Month - Small Month - A Small Month calendar is a calendar that displays only the number of the day for each calendar date. Each day that corresponds to data within the data source is presented as a link. Selected data fields from the data source are displayed in a data table when a calendar day is selected.

  • 3 Month - The 3 Month calendar type extends the small monthly calendar by displaying a calendar for each of 3 consecutive months. Each calendar includes links for days that have data available. The calendars can be displayed horizontally or vertically based upon the selected calendar data location as described below.
  • Month View - The Month View is a large calendar that displays selected field values directly on the calendar day specified by the data source. Urls can be provided to generate links for viewing or editing the records displayed on the calendar.
Quick Tip

Use care when using large queries with the larger Month View calendar type. Each day will expand to fit the contents of the selected data records. This may cause the calendar to expand in an unexpected way when many records must be presented on the same calendar date. When many records may be due on the same date the Small Month calendar my provide a more attractie display.

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Settings for Calendar Display Parts

General display part settings are described elsewhere. The following settings apply specifically to Calendar display parts:


Calendar Settings

  • Calendar Data Location - This field determines the location of the data table displayed when a day is selected in the Small Month or 3 Month calendar types. When using a 3 Month calendar type, selecting Top or Bottom as the data location will cause the three calendars to display horizontally while selecting Left or Right will cause the calendars to display vertically.

  • Calendar Start - This setting determines the initial month and year displayed by the calendar. When Today's Date is selected, the calendar display is based upon the current month and year. If Date of First Record is selected the calendar display is based upon the month and year of the first record in the data set. The date used for the Date of First Record setting is determined the first date field listed in the Date Field(s) setting.
  • Calendar Width, Calendar Height - The Calendar Width and Calendar Height settings determine the width and height of the Month View calendar.

  • Data Fields - The Data Fields setting determines which fields will displayed in the content table of small calendars or on the individual days of larger calendars.

    Quick Tip

    When using the larger Month View calendar type, placing the selected Date Fields into the Data Fields setting will allow the date field captions to display on the calendar. For example the "Review Date" caption would appear on the date matching the "Review Date" field, and "Due Date" would appear on the date matching the due date of the record.

  • Date Field(s) - The Date Field(s) setting controls which dates within the data source records will be populated on the calendar. Multiple dates may be used to accomplish tasks such as showing both a review date and the due date for the same record. For example, a setting of StandardDate001||DateClosedGoal would plot the source record data on the calendar for both dates
  • Tool Tips - The tool tips setting controls what will be displayed when the mouse pointer is placed over a record within the calendar. The tool tip text may contain field value replacements in the format: ~StandardText001~.

    Quick Tips

    Adding character entity 
 allows placement of carriage returns within tooltips(carriage returns may not display in all browsers)

    Separating words or phrases within the tooltip with || will allow translation of tool tips if the CATSWeb translations feature is installed.

    The following tool tip would allow the word "Description" to be processed for translations -
    Description||: ~Action_Description~
    This tool tip would not allow the word "Description" to be translated -
    Description: ~Action_Description~

  • Font Face (Calendar Section) - The font face setting within the calendar section overrides the font face specified in interface preferences for calendar and content table headings

  • Font Size (Calendar Section)- The font size setting within the calendar section overrides the font size specified in interface preferences for calendar and content table headings

  • Month/Year Selectors - This setting determines whether drop down fields for selecting the month and year of the calendar should be included. When this setting is checked drop down fields that allow changing the month and/or year are included above the calendar. When this setting is not checked, the calendar can only be changed by using buttons to move backward or forward one month at a time.

    Quick Tip

    Month names within the month selector and calendar headings may be translated to an alternate language when the CATSWeb Translations feature is installed.

  • Include Holiday Information - This setting allows inclusion of holiday information on the calendar. For more information on configuring holidays see Item Label Position

  • Use Iframe Display - When selected, this setting causes the calendar to be loaded in an HTML Iframe for improved performance. The Iframe allows the calendar to be used independently, eliminating the need for a complete reload of the form or dashboard that contains the calendar.

    Advanced Feature

    The Iframe display feature requires javascript and a web browser that is compatible with the HTML <IFRAME> tag. Verify that all clients support javascript and iframes before implementing this feature.

Data Pane Settings

  • Links in New Window - When selected this feature causes Link to URLs to load in a new browser window/

  • Font Face (Calendar Section) - The font face setting within the calendar section overrides the font face specified in interface preferences for calendar data content.
  • Font Size (Calendar Section)- The font size setting within the calendar section overrides the font size specified in interface preferences for calendar data content.

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