Managing Subforms
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Child Subform Settings
Quick Tip - Efficient Data Entry


Subforms are used in conjunction with Issue, Action and Subtask forms to provide for line item style tracking of related data items. Each Issue, Action and Subtask form may have many Subforms associated with it. Subforms are designed using the same techniques as are used for Issue, Action and Subtask forms: fields are selected and given order values, field properties set, etc. Subforms may utilize Intelligent Lists, Drill Down Links, Event Hooks, Record Access Restrictions, Field Access Restrictions and Functional Restrictions.

Subforms are associated with parent Issue, Action or Subtask forms via Child Subform records. Child Subform records are added via the parent form's Category Edit page, in the same area where Event Hooks and Functional Restrictions are managed. A single Subform may be utilized on a variety of different parent Issue, Action or Subtask forms. Subforms do not have workflow processes associated with them. This means that there are no Signature Controlled Operation settings for them (although they do respect the signature control state of their parent record), and Rules do not apply. If the Dashboards feature is installed, a Display Part may be designated as a child subform instead of an actual Subform.

Subforms display their records in table view on the parent record's view page, in a manner similar to Signatures or Signature Requests. Unlike other types of CATSWeb forms, Subforms offer a way of adding records directly into the Subform record table, without having to use a true form. This eases data entry for the user.

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Child Subform Settings

The settings on the Child Subform page include:

  • Child Subform Type - This setting is only available when the Dashboards feature is installed. It allows you to incorporate a Display Part into the subform region of the form instead of an actual Subform. To do this, select the Display Part option and click the iconic reload button next to the field. The Subform Category list will be replaced with a Display Part list, and you may then select the desired Display Part.
  • Subform Category - The category name of the Subform that is being associated with the parent form.
  • Order - The order in which a Subform appears on its parent form when many Subforms are present. Lower numbers cause the Subform to appear higher on the form (similar to field ordering on a form).
  • Title - The title of the Subform. This will appear in the top row of the Subform record table on parent forms, and in the normal title area when a Subform is actually used in traditional form mode.
  • Entity Name - The entity name is the singular noun you wish to use to refer to items tracked by the Subform. For example, it the Subform is designed to track work orders, an appropriate entity name would be "work order". The entity name is used when Subform records are added or edited in traditional form mode (the add form title in this case would be "Add Work Order").
  • Add Mode - This setting determines how users will add Subform records:
    • Add Button - A small Add button appears next to the title in the first row of the Subform record table.  Clicking this button opens a traditional Add form which may be submitted in the normal manner.
    • Add Row - One of the rows in the Subform record table becomes an Add "form". Users type their new entries directly into this row, and submit via the iconic submit button at the end of the row. In this mode, if the form is reloaded, it will revert to the traditional Add form.
    • Both - Both of the above are present, allowing the user to add new records using either methodology.
    • None - Neither of the above are present. Users will have no direct means of adding records to the subform, but records may still be added via CATSWeb API.
  • Add Button Position - If the Add Mode has been set to enable an add button, this setting determines whether the button appears to the left or right of the title.
  • Add Row Position - If the Add Mode has been set to enable an add row, this setting determines whether the add row appears above any existing records (Top) or below existing records (Bottom).
  • Add Row Text Box Length (max) - When an add row is used, there may be limited room across the browser screen (horizontal space) in which to accommodate all the desired fields. This setting enables text boxes to "contract" in displayed size (width) to conserve space. The setting does not affect how many characters the user may enter in the field. For example, if the user is entering data into a 50-character long text field, the user will be able to enter 50 characters even if the value of this setting is 10.  This setting has no effect when the field is bound to a list, since the length of the longest list item will determine the display width.
  • Add Row Memo Field Columns - When an add row is used, this setting determines how many columns memo fields will use (i.e. determines the width of the memo field).
  • Add Row Memo Field Rows - When an add row is used, this setting determines how many rows memo fields will use (i.e. determines the height of the memo field).
  • Disable Odd/Even Row Coloring - Two Interface Preference settings (Odd Row Color, Even Row Color) can allow query results, filter results or other tabular data to display with alternating background colors for each row. If this box is checked, the alternating background color behavior will be disabled for the Subform, and all Subform records will display with the same background color (the Interface Preference's Odd Row Color).
  • Availability - This setting is only available when the Dashboards feature is installed, and only when you have selected Display Part as the Child Subform Type. The setting allows you to choose whether the Display Part is included when a live record is displayed, when an archived record is displayed, or both. The setting has no effect and my not be present if the Record Archiving option is not installed.
Quick Tip - Efficient Data Entry
  • The most efficient data entry may be achieved by using an Add Row set to the Top position. Users will be free from the extra step of clicking an Add button to load a form. If the Subform record is added successfully, CATSWeb will return "focus" to a point near the top of the Subform record table, so Top is a better position for the add row than Bottom.
  • Default values and prefill values also help speed entry of common data. In Subforms, values are prefilled from the parent record. Prefill settings are specified on the Category Edit page for the Subform. In the field pair settings (DestinationTableFieldName=SourceTableFieldName), the DestinationTableFieldName is the Subform table field name. The SourceTableFieldName is the table field name in the parent record.

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