Query Menu
User Guide Contents

The Query Menu page allows you to create, modify and run queries, Advanced Searches, and Dashboards.

New Queries

  • Queries can be created for the following CATSWeb record types: Issues, Actions, Subtasks and Subform Records.
  • The user must be granted permissions at the employee or personality level to create queries.
  • If creating a new query, you select a record type, choose a Category from the drop down list and click on the New Query. The Query page is displayed. For more information on entering query parameters, see this topic.

New Advanced Searches

  • Advanced Searches can be run from the Query Menu. This provides similar function to the search box and link to the Advanced Search form that may appear on the CATSWeb Home Page.
  • The user must be granted permissions at the employee or personality level to run advanced searches.
  • If creating a new Advanced Search, you select a search template and click on the New Search button. The Advanced Search page is displayed.

New Dashboard

  • New Dashboards can also be created, by selecting an existing Dashboard as a template and providing a name. Each Dashboard may be comprised of one or more Display Parts, and may be public or private.
  • The user must be granted permissions at the employee or personality level to create dashboards.

Saved Queries, Searches and Dashboards

Saved queries, searches and dashboards can be recalled by selecting them in the applicable private or public pull-down lists.

  • When the Run option is selected, recalling the item causes it to be executed immediately.
  • When the Start With... option is selected, the saved item is loaded into a form, allowing it to be modified prior to execution.
  • The user must be granted permissions at the employee or personality level to run saved queries, searches and dashboards.

Note that if you create and save a new item, you must refresh the Query Menu page to see the new item appear in the list.

Special Functions

If a user has been granted the Create SQL Queries permission, a New SQL Query link appears under the Special Function section at the bottom of the Query Menu.

  • Clicking on the link opens the SQL Query page.
  • The user must be granted permissions at the employee or personality level to create SQL Queries.