Managing TreeView Display Parts
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TreeView Display Part Settings

See also: Managing Display Parts and Dashboards
See also: Virtual Folder Display Parts


The TreeView display part is available to select data from a data source and represent the results as a hierarchical structure using folder images. This was originally built as a feature of the Document Management solution, but is now incorporated as a core display part within CATSWeb.

Typical applications include:

  • Representing hierarchical information, such as in Document Management.
  • Displaying sorted lists of data.

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TreeView Display Part Settings

General display part settings are described elsewhere. The following settings apply specifically to TreeView display parts:

  • Data Source Section

    • Data Source Type - The type of data source that provides the contents or action for the TreeView. After selecting a type, click the iconic reload button to choose the specific data source from a list (if applicable). Click here for details.

  • TreeView Details Section - This section is used to define how the TreeView is represented:

    • Fields to Hide - You may enter a comma-delimited list of field names to hide in the data table associated with the display part. Columns will not be present for the fields that you specify, even if they are designated as visible in the form design or data source query.

    • Folder Closed Graphics File - The filename of a graphics or image file used to depict a closed TreeView folder. CATSWeb looks for the file in its graphics subdirectory, or in an alternate graphics subdirectory if specified in the user's current Interface Preference.

    • Folder Fields - Specify the fields within the data source that will appear as folders within the tree. Seperate multiple values with a pair of pipe ("|)" characters.

    • Folder Item Graphics File - The filename of a graphics or image file used to depict an item within an open TreeView folder. CATSWeb looks for the file in its graphics subdirectory, or in an alternate graphics subdirectory if specified in the user's current Interface Preference.

    • Folder Open Graphics File - The filename of a graphics or image file used to depict an open TreeView folder. CATSWeb looks for the file in its graphics subdirectory, or in an alternate graphics subdirectory if specified in the user's current Interface Preference.

    • Use Iframe Display - When selected, this setting causes the TreeView to be loaded in an HTML Iframe for improved performance. The Iframe allows the TreeView to be used independently, eliminating the need for a complete reload of the form or dashboard that contains the TreeView.

      Advanced Feature

      The Iframe display feature requires javascript and a web browser that is compatible with the HTML <IFRAME> tag. Verify that all clients support javascript and iframes before implementing this feature.

  • Links in Data Section - Present in Display Parts that can display data, this section is used in the same way as the Optional Links in Results section of the Drill Down form. If the data is from saved queries or filters, you do not need to define links for the record key fields (ActionID, SubtaskID, etc.) since CATSWeb provides these links automatically.

  • No Data Message Section - Present in Display Parts that use or display data, this section allows for an optional message to be displayed when the data source returns no data.

  • Optional Parameters Section - These optional parameters may be used to provide parameter values for stored procedure or URL data links, or used for any other purpose.
    • Parameter1-10 - The corresponding table field names for these fields are Memo031-Memo040, and the table field value can be read via Tool Tip Help for each parameter.

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