Data Row Selector Display Part Settings
See also: Managing Display Parts and Dashboards
Advanced Feature
Data Row Selector display parts are an advanced CATSWeb feature. To successfully use this display part, you will need to implement ActiveX DLL or Web Service data links, and will likely need to use CATSWeb API. All support for Data Row Selector display parts is via AssurX Engineering Support.
The Data Row Selector display part is available for special applications that require the ability to select and process many data records (rows) from a data source during a single submission. The display part creates a user interface for selecting the data records. When the user submits the display part, their row selections are passed directly to an ActiveX DLL or Web Service data link. All processing must be performed by the data link, CATSWeb merely serves as a conduit.
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Data Row Selector Display Part Settings
General display part settings are described elsewhere. The following settings apply specifically to Data Row Selector display parts:
- Row Selection Section - This section is used to define how rows are selected:
- Control Type - Choose the type of control that will be placed next to each row. If you choose a Checkbox, only the rows actually checked will be passed to the data link and the data link will have no means of determining which rows the user did not check. The remaining control types pass information to the data link for each row, including the value chosen or entered by the user for each row.
- Row ID Field - Specify the name of a field in the data source that contains values that are unique for each row. The field must not contain Null or empty values. CATSWeb record ID fields such as ActionID, SubtaskID, etc. are ideal choices since they are always unique and never Null or empty.
- Control Default - Specify a default value to be used for all of the controls. For checkboxes and option groups, 0 designates No (unchecked) and -1 designates Yes (checked).
- Control Caption - Specify an optional caption for the column of row selection controls.
- Control Background Color - Specify an optional HTML color code to use as the background color for the column of row selection controls. Leave this setting blank to use the data row background color.
- Fill Specification - A Fill Specification is required for Option Group and Selection List control types. The fill specification must be entered in AssurX coded format. For example, an Option Group fill specification that provides Yes/No options is "li|Yes=-1|No=0". A specification for a similar selection list is "li|Yes|No". For more information on FIll Specifications, see this topic, or see the documentation for CWEB_SUFFIX_FILLSPEC in the Modifying Field Properties section of Technical Note - Implementing Dynamic Forms. This document is distributed with CATSWeb API, and may also be requested from CATSWeb Technical Support.
- Submission Section - This section is used to define how the display part submits its data:
- Submission Data Link - Choose an ActiveX DLL or Web Service data link that will receive the values submitted from the display part. One record for each row (or one record for each selected row in the case of checkboxes) will be passed to the data link via the rsRecord parameter. To see how the values are passed, use DumpDataHTML (described here) to receive test submissions.
- Pass as rsParams - Choose what (if anything) is passed to the data link via the rsRecord parameter. The Container option may be used to pass the current Issue/Action/Subtask record when the display part is being used in an Issue, Action or Subtask form.
- Submit Button Position - Choose a position for the submit button. The None option is available for special applications that will use the display part as a component of a form, instead of as a self-contained submitable form. When None is selected, the beginning and ending <Form> tags are omitted.
- Submit Button File - Specify the name of a graphics file to use as the submit button (ex: "submit.gif)". CATSWeb looks for the file in its graphics subdirectory, or in an alternate graphics subdirectory if specified in the user's current Interface Preference.
- Help Text - Specify optional help (Alt) text to display when the user floats their mouse over the submit button.
- Additional HTML Section - This section may be used to add additional HTML to the display part is various locations. See this topic for more information on loading HTML from files and performing replacements on the HTML.
- Before Body - This HTML is placed below the title and subtitle, and above the data table. It is also outside (above) the form tag, so submittable fields cannot be included.
- Top of Form - This HTML is placed below the title and subtitle, and above the data table. It is inside the form tag, so submittable fields can be included. The field values will appear in the rsRecords record submitted to the data link.
- Bottom of Form - This HTML is placed below the below the data table. It is inside the form tag, so submittable fields can be included. The field values will appear in the rsRecords record submitted to the data link.
- After Body - This HTML is placed below the data table, and below the closing form tag. Submitable fields cannot be included.
- Replacements - See this topic.
- Component Fields - Specify optional help (Alt) text to display when the user floats their mouse over the submit button
- Convert Line Breaks - See this topic.
- Display as Text - See this topic.
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