CATSWeb Control Types
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Control Types are used to define the appearance and usage of a field or control. For instance, a text field would commonly be displayed within an HTML text box when in add or edit mode. While each CATSWeb field has a default Control Type value, it can be changed dynamically (via a Configurable Action or Event Hook), such as to change a text box into a pull-down list

Quick Tip

AssurX suggests that you restrict your usage to switching between the following data types.

  • Text boxes (any of the various types) and lists.
  • Text areas and lists.
  • Text boxes (any of the various types) and radio buttons.
  • Text areas and radio buttons.
  • Text boxes (Numeric) and Checkboxes.
  • Do not attempt to modify or substitute control types such as Section Breaks, Text Cells or Fixed Text Areas. These control types have a variety of properties that are pre-set and cannot be changed dynamically.

The list below represents some common Control Types.

Control Type Value Description
Text Box 0 The default control type. It is used to display a standard HTML text box, used to display text.

Combo 1 It is used to display a pull-down list. When a CATSWeb Text or Memo field is configured to be bound to a list, the Control Type is automatically changed to a Combo.

Note that all lists in CATSWeb (pull-down, multi-row/single-select and multi-select) use Combo and not List.

Checkbox 2

It is used to display a standard HTML checkbox. In CATSWeb, these are implemented in conjunction with numeric fields, such as integers, They are commonly used to:

  1. Enable options (True or False).

Note: Multi Select Checkboxes cannot be configured using this approach. Contact AssurX Technical Support for alternatives.


Radio Button 3

It is used to display a standard HTML radio button, which is commonly used to:

  1. Select a single value from a list.


Text Date 4 It is used to display a standard HTML text box, used to display a date.

Text Single 5 It is used to display a standard HTML text box, used to display a number with a single datatype.

Text Integer 6 It is used to display a standard HTML text box, used to display a number with an Integer datatype.

Text Double 7 It is used to display a standard HTML text box, used to display a number with a Double datatype.

Text Area 8 It is used to display a standard HTML text area, used to display a CATSWeb Memo field.

Hidden 10 It is used to display a standard HTML hidden field.

Text Long Integer 11 It is used to display a standard HTML text box, used to display a number with an Long Integer datatype.

File 13 It is used to display a standard HTML file box, which is used to display a Browse button for selecting a file. When a form field is used to store a file name, this can be a good option to allow the user to select the desired file. Make sure that a text or memo field is used, and that it is large enough to store the file path and name.

Text Currency 15 It is used to display a standard HTML text box, used to display a number with an currency datatype.

Password 17 It is used to display a standard HTML password box, used to hide input with asterisks or circles (depending on the browser). This is a good option for hiding passwords that are entered on forms.


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