Variable Name |
Description |
ColorClosed |
Color coding color used as the background color for closed tasks. |
ColorCompleted |
Color coding color used as the background color for completed tasks. |
ColorDueToday |
Color coding color used as the background color for tasks that are due today. |
ColorEditHistoryDeleted |
Color coding color used as the background color used for listing archived versions of records that have been deleted. |
ColorEditHistoryEdited |
Color coding color used as the background color used for listing archived versions of records that have been edited. |
ColorOngoing |
Color coding color used as the background color for ongoing tasks. |
ColorOverdue |
Color coding color used as the background color for overdue tasks. |
ColorPageBackground |
Color used as the background color for the CATSWeb page, excluding the page header. |
DefaultTextColor |
General text color used when no other colors are applicable. |
FormComment |
Color used as the background color for a form comment. |
FormCommentTextColor |
Color used as the text color for a form comment. |
FormMandatoryCaption |
Color used as the background color for form captions when the field is editable and mandatory. |
FormMandatoryField |
Color used as the background color for form fields when the field is editable and mandatory. |
FormMandatoryTextColor |
Color used as the text color for form captions when the field is editable and mandatory. |
FormOptionalCaption |
Color used as the background color for form captions when the field is editable and not mandatory. |
FormOptionalField |
Color used as the background color for form fields when the field is editable and not mandatory. |
FormOptionalTextColor |
Color used as the text color for form captions when the field is editable and not mandatory. |
FormReadOnlyCaption |
Color used as the background color for form captions when the field is not editable. |
FormReadOnlyField |
Color used as the background color for form fields when the field is not editable. |
FormReadOnlyTextColorCaption |
Color used as the text color for form captions when the field is not editable. |
FormReadOnlyTextColorField |
Color used as the text color for form fields when the field is not editable. |
HeaderColor |
Color used as the background color for the CATSWeb page header. |
HeaderCompanyTextColor |
Color used as the text color for the company name that appears in the CATSWeb page header. |
HeaderTextTextColor |
Color used as the text color for the general text that appears in the CATSWeb page header. |
MessageBodyColorError |
Color used as the background color for the body of message boxes when the message box is displaying an error message. |
MessageBodyColorSuccess |
Color used as the background color for the body of message boxes when the message box is displaying a success or informational message. |
MessageBodyColorWarning |
Color used as the background color for the body of message boxes when the message box is displaying a warning message. |
MessageBodyTextColorError |
Color used as the text color in the body of message boxes when the message box is displaying an error message. |
MessageBodyTextColorSuccess |
Color used as the text color in the body of message boxes when the message box is displaying a success or informational message. |
MessageBodyTextColorWarning |
Color used as the text color in the body of message boxes when the message box is displaying a warning message. |
MessageTitleColorError |
Color used as the background color for the title of message boxes when the message box is displaying an error message. |
MessageTitleColorSuccess |
Color used as the background color for the title of message boxes when the message box is displaying a success or informational message. |
MessageTitleColorWarning |
Color used as the background color for the title of message boxes when the message box is displaying a warning message. |
MessageTitleTextColorError |
Color used as the text color in the title of message boxes when the message box is displaying an error message. |
MessageTitleTextColorSuccess |
Color used as the text color in the title of message boxes when the message box is displaying a success or informational message. |
MessageTitleTextColorWarning |
Color used as the text color in the title of message boxes when the message box is displaying a warning message. |
QueryHeader |
Color used as the background color for query and filter headers and similar data tables. |
QueryHeaderTextColor |
Color used as the text color for query and filter headers and similar data tables. |
QueryOutputEven |
Color used as the text color for query and filter results records for the 2nd, 4th, etc. rows. |
QueryOutputOdd |
Color used as the text color for query and filter results records for the 1st, 3rd, etc. rows. In other types of similar data tables, this color is used for all rows. |
SectionBreakColorOverride |
Color used as the background color for CATSWeb form section breaks when an override has been specified in the Interface Preference. |
SectionBreakTextColorOverride |
Color used as the text color for CATSWeb form section breaks when an override has been specified in the Interface Preference. |
SystemSectionBreakColor1 |
Color used as the background color for CATSWeb system section breaks. This color is also used for section breaks on query forms. |
SystemSectionBreakTextColor1 |
Color used as the text color for CATSWeb system section breaks. This color is also used for section breaks on query forms. |
TableTitle |
Color used as the background color for table titles. |
TableTitleTextColor |
Color used as the text color for table titles. |
TextAreaColorOverride |
Color used as the background color for fixed text areas when an override has been specified in the Interface Preference. |
TextAreaTextColorOverride |
Color used as the text color for fixed text areas when an override has been specified in the Interface Preference. |
UtilityColor |
Color used as the background color for utility links. |
UtilityTextColor |
Color used as the text color for utility links. |
WorkflowColor |
Color used as the background color for workflow links. |
WorkflowTextColor |
Color used as the text color for workflow links. |