Color Variables
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The color variables in the table below may be used as Field Property values in the Modify Form Field Properties Configurable Action to specify colors from the user's current Interface Preference, instead of defining literal HTML color codes. They may also be used in Form Load Event Hook implementations that set these properties via code (ex: ActiveX DLL). If specifying a color variable, do not precede it with the "#" character that is used for literal HTML color codes.

Variable Name Description
ColorClosed Color coding color used as the background color for closed tasks.
ColorCompleted Color coding color used as the background color for completed tasks.
ColorDueToday Color coding color used as the background color for tasks that are due today.
ColorEditHistoryDeleted Color coding color used as the background color used for listing archived versions of records that have been deleted.
ColorEditHistoryEdited Color coding color used as the background color used for listing archived versions of records that have been edited.
ColorOngoing Color coding color used as the background color for ongoing tasks.
ColorOverdue Color coding color used as the background color for overdue tasks.
ColorPageBackground Color used as the background color for the CATSWeb page, excluding the page header.
DefaultTextColor General text color used when no other colors are applicable.
FormComment Color used as the background color for a form comment.
FormCommentTextColor Color used as the text color for a form comment.
FormMandatoryCaption Color used as the background color for form captions when the field is editable and mandatory.
FormMandatoryField Color used as the background color for form fields when the field is editable and mandatory.
FormMandatoryTextColor Color used as the text color for form captions when the field is editable and mandatory.
FormOptionalCaption Color used as the background color for form captions when the field is editable and not mandatory.
FormOptionalField Color used as the background color for form fields when the field is editable and not mandatory.
FormOptionalTextColor Color used as the text color for form captions when the field is editable and not mandatory.
FormReadOnlyCaption Color used as the background color for form captions when the field is not editable.
FormReadOnlyField Color used as the background color for form fields when the field is not editable.
FormReadOnlyTextColorCaption Color used as the text color for form captions when the field is not editable.
FormReadOnlyTextColorField Color used as the text color for form fields when the field is not editable.
HeaderColor Color used as the background color for the CATSWeb page header.
HeaderCompanyTextColor Color used as the text color for the company name that appears in the CATSWeb page header.
HeaderTextTextColor Color used as the text color for the general text that appears in the CATSWeb page header.
MessageBodyColorError Color used as the background color for the body of message boxes when the message box is displaying an error message.
MessageBodyColorSuccess Color used as the background color for the body of message boxes when the message box is displaying a success or informational message.
MessageBodyColorWarning Color used as the background color for the body of message boxes when the message box is displaying a warning message.
MessageBodyTextColorError Color used as the text color in the body of message boxes when the message box is displaying an error message.
MessageBodyTextColorSuccess Color used as the text color in the body of message boxes when the message box is displaying a success or informational message.
MessageBodyTextColorWarning Color used as the text color in the body of message boxes when the message box is displaying a warning message.
MessageTitleColorError Color used as the background color for the title of message boxes when the message box is displaying an error message.
MessageTitleColorSuccess Color used as the background color for the title of message boxes when the message box is displaying a success or informational message.
MessageTitleColorWarning Color used as the background color for the title of message boxes when the message box is displaying a warning message.
MessageTitleTextColorError Color used as the text color in the title of message boxes when the message box is displaying an error message.
Color used as the text color in the title of message boxes when the message box is displaying a success or informational message.
MessageTitleTextColorWarning Color used as the text color in the title of message boxes when the message box is displaying a warning message.
QueryHeader Color used as the background color for query and filter headers and similar data tables.
QueryHeaderTextColor Color used as the text color for query and filter headers and similar data tables.
QueryOutputEven Color used as the text color for query and filter results records for the 2nd, 4th, etc. rows.
QueryOutputOdd Color used as the text color for query and filter results records for the 1st, 3rd, etc. rows. In other types of similar data tables, this color is used for all rows.
SectionBreakColorOverride Color used as the background color for CATSWeb form section breaks when an override has been specified in the Interface Preference.
SectionBreakTextColorOverride Color used as the text color for CATSWeb form section breaks when an override has been specified in the Interface Preference.
SystemSectionBreakColor1 Color used as the background color for CATSWeb system section breaks. This color is also used for section breaks on query forms.
SystemSectionBreakTextColor1 Color used as the text color for CATSWeb system section breaks. This color is also used for section breaks on query forms.
TableTitle Color used as the background color for table titles.
TableTitleTextColor Color used as the text color for table titles.
TextAreaColorOverride Color used as the background color for fixed text areas when an override has been specified in the Interface Preference.
TextAreaTextColorOverride Color used as the text color for fixed text areas when an override has been specified in the Interface Preference.
UtilityColor Color used as the background color for utility links.
UtilityTextColor Color used as the text color for utility links.
WorkflowColor Color used as the background color for workflow links.
WorkflowTextColor Color used as the text color for workflow links.